Vacationing with a caravan, camping in the wilderness, survival training in the great outdoors or a high altitude tour in the Alps - in our outdoor range you are guaranteed to find the equipment for your next adventure in the great outdoors. From camping trips to hiking and trekking tours to climbing - we equip you with the right gear and outdoor clothing.
Camping fans can equip themselves with tents, trekking mats, sleeping bags and bivy sacks, camping furniture, camping utensils, camping stoves and much more in the outdoor range at Galaxus Sport. All new products and innovations from top outdoor brands such as The North Face, Outwell and Deuter Galaxus is guaranteed to be one of the first. Furthermore, the outdoor assortment also includes coolers and insulated bottles, so that your food and drinks stay cool on the go. Picnic baskets and picnic blankets make outdoor dining perfect. Our portable solar chargers ensure that there is always enough power on the road.
Hikers will find hiking boots, outdoor clothing and outdoor backpacks as well as other helpful gear like hiking poles, water filters, outdoor navigation devices, binoculars, telescopes, wildlife cameras and headlamps at Galaxus Sport. For all those who prefer to climb the mountain running, we carry trail running shoes and hydration packs in our range.
Also for all climbing and bouldering enthusiasts no wishes remain unfulfilled. Our outdoor range includes everything you need for your next climbing tour or mountaineering, such as climbing harnesses, climbing shoes, climbing ropes, climbing helmets, carabiners and other useful accessories from top brands like Mammut, Petzl and Black Diamond.
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