
Windows tip: tidy your desktop with more space between icons

Florian Bodoky
Translation: Patrik Stainbrook

Unfortunately, Microsoft has removed the ability to easily change the spacing of icons. This now requires a deep dive into the system. Here’s how to do it.

Digitally, I’m obsessively organised. Quite different from analogue life. Folder structures, file naming, directories and so on. Still, I’d like to have quick access to my files. Preferably with desktop shortcuts.

The catch? Too many icons make a desktop confusing. I either misclick or can’t find what I want. Larger spacing between icons really helps here. It creates an overview and makes long file names more readable. Until Windows 7, this was a simple matter. Just go to the advanced display options, you can set it all up there.

By default, your desktop looks like this – the gaps are too small for me.
By default, your desktop looks like this – the gaps are too small for me.
Source: Florian Bodoky

In the meantime, however, Microsoft has decided it no longer wants you to set this yourself and takes the option away. However, there is a workaround. With it, you can define yourself how big the gap between desktop icons should be. To many, this effort may seem absurd – but I love it.

Of course, this also works the other way around. Say you want to have as many desktop icons as possible, but have no room because of the large gaps. Then you can reduce the distance. I’ll show you how.

First, you need to make sure that you have admin rights. Otherwise, this trick won’t work. Next, press the Windows key + R. This’ll open the Run box. Type «regedit» and press Enter to open the Registry Editor. Then open this path:


Here you’ll find two options: «IconSpacing» and «IconVerticalSpacing». They specify the horizontal and vertical spacing of icons. Windows accepts values between -480 and -2730.

Unfortunately, changes always only become visible after a restart. Other than that, you can go wild here and check what distance is optimal for your needs.

Naturally, you can also reduce the values. Here we have -600 and -705.
Naturally, you can also reduce the values. Here we have -600 and -705.
Source: Florian Bodoky

If you want to undo the whole thing, repeat everything in these instructions and set the values back to what they were before. That’s -1710 for «IconSpacing» and -1125 for «IconVerticalSpacing».

You have to change these two values for the desired effect. After that, you’ll need to restart.
You have to change these two values for the desired effect. After that, you’ll need to restart.
Source: Florian Bodoky

One last note: after installing the next Windows update, you may have to readjust the values. Windows resets certain registry settings to their default values after an update.

Header image: Shutterstock

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