
Dying Light 2: these 10 tips are crucial to surviving your first few hours

PC Games
Translation: Patrik Stainbrook

The tutorial brings you to a once picturesque town in search of Aiden’s sister Mia. We’re here to help you survive your first hours and find your way around the open world. No matter if it’s main missions, side quests, nightly loot raids or what you should pay attention to at game start, we’ve put together ten survival tips for you.

This is an article from our content partner «PC Games». Here’s the original article.

Beginner’s guide for Dying Light 2: here’s ten tips for surviving a zombie apocalypse in the city of Villedor. The tutorial for this end-time adventure gently introduces you to its open world. From then on you’re on your own, strolling through the metropolis. Our beginner’s guide to this new Techland creation will break down exactly which resources are important, whether you can repair weapons or what you have to pay attention to during nighttime excursions into the Dark Zones. We also strongly recommend you read our review of Dying Light 2. It covers all the details, strengths and weaknesses of the open-world adventure.

The following ten tips will safely guide you through the first hours of the game and missions.

1. Which resources are particularly useful?

At the start of the game, you really should grab everything you can. Especially scraps of cloth, components, electrical parts, wires, etc. You’ll need them later on to craft items, modifications, Molotov cocktails, knives, and more. However, make sure to prioritise treasures from the old world, which can be found in green, blue or purple boxes or lockers. Sell these valuables to merchants, and your money problems will disappear. Meaning you won’t have to empty every trash can or locker later on, instead buying important basic resources for cheap from merchants then crafting necessary items.

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2. What parkour skills are most useful initially

After the high jump skill, you should skip any landings for a while. Instead, you should invest in Firm Grip, helping you hold on to ledges as you parkour. This path also opens the way to Fast Climb, saving you stamina. By jumping towards ledges, you can climb even quicker. Keep in mind that parkour skills also require a certain amount of stamina. So you should definitely check anomalies or GRE buildings for inhibitors. During early missions, you’ll also receive a few inhibitors as mission objectives or rewards. Go with what you enjoy while making your way through Villedor for later skills.

When choosing skills, make sure to have enough stamina and health.
When choosing skills, make sure to have enough stamina and health.
Source: PC Games

3. How to get rich quick

You’ll struggle to stay poor in Dying Light 2. You can also sell your aforementioned valuables to merchants at the click of a button. By the way, instead of breaking weapons, sell them at the dealer. You’ll always find new machetes, axes and more in the game world according to your level. These will later become useless as you level up and find better weapons. Throw unneeded arms into temporary storage or sell them immediately at the dealers to rake in some serious cash. By the way, the same applies to pieces of armour that you won’t need later. Just stick with the best armour value. Other status improvements are nice, but you can neglect them. Later on you’ll also receive bows, which don’t lose durability by the way.

4. How to repair weapons in Dying Light 2

You can also repair weapons in Dying Light 2 – at least partially. Whenever you attach a mod to a weapon, part of its durability is restored. The better the weapon (green, purple, beige) the more mods you’re allowed to attach. Unfortunately, instant complete fixes don’t exist. That’s not a bad thing, though, as you’ll be virtually pelted with weapons on your forays through Villedor. Just pay attention to the damage values and your type of weapon. Two-handed weapons are slower, but deal more damage and may break through cover. One-handed weapons are faster and consume less stamina.

5. What items and tools will you need?

During your first missions with Hakon you’ll receive blueprints for knives, lock picks, bandages and later Molotov cocktails. We recommend you equip Aiden with knives, lock picks and bandages. Molotovs, meanwhile, are suitable for larger groups of enemies. During your nightly excursions, use knives to take out howlers at a distance and prevent them from hunting you. Lock picks are needed for boxes or locked doors hiding loot. They work the same as in Fallout 3, except that you don’t need upgraded lock picks for medium or heavy locks. Upgrades for your lock pick blueprint at the master craftsman only improve durability. You can also skip mines, remotely detonated C4 and other items. Be sure to get your immunity booster for the night as well, it’s much more effective than UV mushrooms.

Climbing consumes stamina, be sure to invest your first inhibitors in stamina.
Climbing consumes stamina, be sure to invest your first inhibitors in stamina.
Source: PC Games

6. How to survive fights against stronger enemies

During some missions you’ll end up in the middle of a fight against stronger enemies or a horde of zombies. Most of the time, knives, empty bottles, bricks and even javelins will be peppered throughout these areas randomly. Gas bottles, which you can ignite, are also frequently found in large numbers. Be sure to use these tools, as they’re almost all free. Throwing spears can cause major damage, gas bottles decimate zombie hordes while setting them on fire. Use bricks and bottles to stagger enemies, who then become vulnerable to further attacks. Later on, you’ll skill up perfect dodging and blocking to enable parkour attacks such as jumps and kicks.

7. When are nighttime excursions worth it?

To get some decent loot, be sure to make nighttime trips into GRE buildings or take out anomalies. You’ll find lots of inhibitors that’ll increase your stamina and health. You need three cans of inhibitors per upgrade. But you’ll learn this during the hospital mission with Hakon. By the way, zombies as well as stronger varieties leave buildings at night. At this time, best to search buildings or GRE facilities, as their undead population is significantly lower than during the day. Be careful, however, your immunity will drop. Make sure you bring along UV mushrooms or better yet immunity boosters. Get a good supply of them. If you run out of stuff, escape from buildings and find hiding places with UV lamps. You’ll also search some buildings during the day. Simply look for an open window to regenerate your immunity through natural UV rays. If escape is out of the question, throw a UV bar on the ground to restore your immunity. But beware, the bar runs out after a short while.

When fighting at night, keep an eye on your immunity.
When fighting at night, keep an eye on your immunity.
Source: PC Games

8. Are the numerous side missions in Dying Light 2 worth it?

Absolutely! You’ll get to know loads of characters in the game world and earn rewards, some of them quite easily. As soon as you reach the bazaar with your biomarker, you’ll talk to Carlos, for example. He wants to gain favour with master craftsman Alberto and still needs parts for his new invention. If you’ve soldered everything diligently in advance, you’ll already own the necessary parts and can give them to him. This way you’ll finish the quest much faster. Many side quests are structured in this way. For example, Carlos grants you the weapon mod Spark, which gives zombies additional electric shocks. So don’t hesitate to do side missions. By the way, you should unlock windmills and Nightrunner stashes whenever possible. These provide sleeping accommodations as well as resources. Beware: some windmills require a lot of stamina.

9. When is fast travel unlocked?

At the start of Dying Light 2, you won’t use fast travel. Rather, you use the rooftops of the city for parkour excursions. You’ll be running around a lot, but this does ensure that you’ll discover secret locations, collect items as well as random encounters and make friends within the rich game world. You can collect honey, camomile or lavender in roof groves, for example, as well as emergency weapons. You only unlock fast travel after reaching the central ring. To do this, simply continue with the story missions. Later on you’ll travel through the network of old subway stations, which you can simply select on the map. You must activate other access points before you can use them.

10. When will the bow finally become availabe?

Similar to the quick travel feature, you’ll find your first bow later on after a story mission. The advantage of bows: they don’t lose durability and provide you with the long-awaited ranged combat. Arrows are easy to make and pierce enemies. Later on, you’ll also be able to kill enemy fighters with precision. You can even take down big boys or mini-bosses in anomalies if you’re skilled enough. Howlers in particular can be picked off quickly and silently during nighttime excursions.

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