
Arnica – the herb that relieves pain

Anna Sandner
Translation: Eva Francis

Arnica montana has been used to treat injuries, inflammations and pain for centuries. Read on to find out how to make use of this native wound healer.

I’ve always preferred turning to herbal medicine first when I have a physical ailment before taking stronger drugs. Unfortunately, natural remedies don’t always help as well as I’d like them to. But one plant has never disappointed me: arnica montana.

I’d always liked arnica, but when I was pregnant and later breastfeeding, I came to appreciate the pain-relieving effect of arnica even more. At that time, I wasn’t allowed to take conventional painkillers, so this remarkable herb made my life a lot easier.

What does arnica help against?

Arnica is native to the Alps and other European mountain regions and has been used to treat pain and inflammation for centuries. The soothing herb is particularly effective in relieving pain caused by sore muscles, contusions, sprains, bruises and other injuries. However, arnica can also help treat joint pain and even arthritis and rheumatism.

How does arnica work?

Arnica flowers contain several active substances that have healing properties. The most important are sesquiterpene lactones and flavonoids. Together, these substances, which the plant actually produces for self-protection, can reduce inflammation and relieve pain in humans. Increased blood circulation also stimulates healing.

How is arnica used?

Arnica can be used in ointments, gels, drops and a homeopathic remedy. Ointments and gels are most commonly used for external application, while drops and homeopathic remedies are for internal use.

Arnica cream is a staple in my medicine cabinet at home. I still use it regularly, even though I’ve been allowed to take other pain-relieving remedies again for a long time.

If you want to know more, I recommend the scientific article Arnica montana L. – a plant of healing: review.

What medicinal plants are your favourites? Let me know in the comments.

Header image:Unsplash/Wallace Fonseca

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