Withings Body Scan (200 kg)

Withings Body Scan

200 kg

Questions about Body Scan

What would you like to know?


5 questions and answers

Due to different suppliers and delivery conditions, there may be price differences compared to other suppliers. We always endeavour to offer a price in line with the market. However, this is not possible for all products.

Here you will find all the services and benefits you can get with the "Withings+" service: https://www.withings.com/ch/de/withings-plus?_gl=1*195ijqr*_up*MQ..&gclid=Cj0KCQiA-62tBhDSARIsAO7twbahMcY2LCtYhO29AHxs_C-yB9a1THchZMPgM1WadlPi0Ty8TO2qI0UaAg7mEALw_wcB

According to the manufacturer, everything else should be free of charge, as should the app itself.

It also works without the rod. There are simply a few measurements that are not active, but standard things are measured normally even without the rod.