MPV MicroDrop Family2, 1 pc

Product details

The MicroDrop Family2 inhaler from MPV Medical is a high-quality medical product manufactured in Germany. This device belongs to Class IIa of medical devices and is specifically designed for effective inhalation therapy. The inhaler enables targeted delivery of medication to the airways, supporting the treatment of respiratory diseases. Its user-friendly operation and compact design make the MicroDrop Family2 a practical solution for use at home or on the go. The innovative technology achieves a fine nebulisation of the medications, enhancing the effectiveness of the therapy. The MicroDrop Family2 is a reliable aid for anyone who relies on effective inhalation therapy.

Key specifications

Item number

General information

Manufacturer no.
Release date


Country of origin

Classification of health products

Medical Device Category

Reviews & Ratings

Translation: machine translated
Very good80/100
Rank 8 out of 19Stiftung WarentestInhalationsgeräte im TestReleaseJanuary 2025

Inhalation can help with acute and chronic respiratory diseases. However, in order for the therapy to reach the lungs - which is necessary for asthma, bronchitis or the obstructive pulmonary disease COPD - special devices must nebulise the inhalation solution into a fine aerosol...