Garnier Ambre Solaire Hydra 24h
Suntan lotion, SPF 30, 200 ml, 280 gProduct details
Reviews & Ratings
What belongs to a perfect summer? On the list we write: sun, beach and eating ice cream, but also UV protection for the skin. Because the UV radiation from sunlight can lead to painful sunburn, premature skin ageing and, in the long term, skin cancer. Sun creams, lotions and sprays with a high or very high sun protection factor (30, 50 and 50+) should protect against this...
Summer can come: Many sunscreens are "very good" - including almost all natural cosmetic products. In last place is a well-known brand product. Most of the conventional sunscreens tested contain harmful UV filters. Of the 30 or so UV filters approved in the EU, we criticise some chemical representatives because they are suspected of having hormonal effects...
Whether cheap or expensive - the protection is right with almost all of them Almost all the sprays and sun creams tested scored well: 17 out of 19 products scored very good or good overall. They protect against UVB radiation as they claim to do - and the UVA protection is also right...
Die Sonnenmilch von Garnier verpasst hauchdünn eine sehr gute Gesamtnote, kann sich aber trotzdem mit der exzellenten Einhaltung des Sonnenschutzfaktors sowie mit dem ebenfalls großartigen UVA-Schutz brüsten. Auch die Feuchtigkeitsanreicherung ist über jeden Zweifel erhaben. Der einzige wirklich größere Kritikpunkt ist die Entnahme bei höheren Temperaturen...