Don't Kiss Ray

German, 2017

Product details

Waffles for breakfast, Shitstorm in the evening At the waffle stand of a music festival, Jill and Ray get to know each other and there is an instant spark between them. Unfortunately, the date falls victim
to a thunderstorm and Jill prepares herself for the fact that she will never see Ray again - only to fall out of the clouds later, at the concert of the newcomer band "Broken Biscuits": The lead singer of the band, whose poster (not only) decorates the wall of her best friend, is none other than Ray! And that's not all: "Hello, girl with the powdered sugar nose, if you're there ... Sorry that it didn't work out for you earlier. Can we try again tomorrow?" he shouts into the audience. And if he and Jill run into unexpected problems: Not only because Ray is not allowed to have a girlfriend according to his contract, but above all because a fanatical fan has photographed the two of them and there's a real hunt going on online.

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