TP-Link Archer MR200 V5.2
TP-Link Archer MR200 V5.2
How many terminals/users can I connect to the W-LAN? The description only says several. In this case, they seem to be limited.
I have not found a limit yet. A total of >10 devices are attached.
I thought I had read something somewhere about up to 30 devices.
In general, as many addresses as are defined in an IP network can be assigned via the definition of the IP distribution service (DHCP server) (max. 254 IP addresses with 24-bit subnet).
Please note that the more devices are connected via Wlan, the more bandwidth is "needed" and the more the device is loaded. If possible, I recommend switching to the 5Ghz range when reception is good, as more bandwidth is available. The conventional 2.4 Ghz range has the advantage of greater range. Regards
Thank you, what about the surfing behaviour? In particular the latency? In other words, the response speed compared to the fixed connection via cable socket, etc. when surfing? Is there a noticeable difference the first time a website is called up? Only via a sole connection via mobile SIM, of course.