Two apprentices build a "floating" wooden PC
Others write about knitting or their bungee jumping experience. The advanced work of metalworking apprentices Clemens and Aurel is also hanging by a thread. They are building a "floating" PC.
Clemens and Aurel have always wanted to construct their own PC. But the two apprentice metalworkers are not content with installing the components. No, they also want to create the housing from scratch. They drew the first drafts months ago. It is to be a transparent, floating cube with a wooden frame. The project became concrete when their teacher announced the topic for the advanced work: What we always wanted to do. "It was immediately clear to us, we're building our PC," says Aurel in our conversation.

Source: Foto ZVG
With the project, the two gamers are venturing into unknown territory - especially Clemens. "I have zero experience in this field." He mostly gambled on a laptop until it gave up the ghost one day. "After that, I bought a ready-made PC. The only 'modding' I did: I put an RGB mouse in the case as lighting," the 30-year-old says with a laugh.

Source: Foto ZVG
The situation is a little better for Aurel. He regularly plays on the PC and used to use it for construction plans with the graphics programme CAD. Over the years, he has had to upgrade individual components again and again. The 20-year-old has also assembled a complete PC. Whereby "build" is used very generously here. "I made a small case, put all the components in it and put a glass on top". The PC is rather unsuitable for a LAN party, he says with a grin.
Wood, the great unknown
This is probably also true of the joint immersion work, albeit more for reasons of weight and manageability. Aurel and Clemens are creating a PC housing in the shape of a cube. The actual construction is to be made of structural steel. It is surrounded by four glass walls. Around it follows a construction made of wood so that it looks as if the cube is floating. This is what the two apprentices respect the most. "We know metal, but we don't know anything about wood," says Aurel. Although they are accompanied by a carpenter during this work, they have to do it themselves and the templates also come from Aurel and Clemens.

Source: Foto ZVG
The deadline for the project is mid-December. Then you will find out in another article what has become of the project. The components have been made available by digitec and will then be raffled off. If you don't want to miss this and, of course, what the PC will look like in the end, you can click on "Follow author" below.
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Being the game and gadget geek that I am, working at digitec and Galaxus makes me feel like a kid in a candy shop – but it does take its toll on my wallet. I enjoy tinkering with my PC in Tim Taylor fashion and talking about games on my podcast http://www.onemorelevel.ch. To satisfy my need for speed, I get on my full suspension mountain bike and set out to find some nice trails. My thirst for culture is quenched by deep conversations over a couple of cold ones at the mostly frustrating games of FC Winterthur.