Product test

You asked for it, I bought myself beeswax cloths

Simon Balissat
Translation: machine translated
Cutter: Armin Tobler

You criticised me harshly in my review of Jetcut kitchen foil. It was no longer in keeping with the times to praise kitchen foil to the skies. I bought and tested the suggested oilcloth.

Clear film in 2020 is not really far-sighted in environmental terms. Sure. I simply wasn't aware of any alternatives to film. You suggest beeswax cloths after I praised the clear film Jetcut to the skies. My colleague Raphael Knecht has summarised for you what beeswax wipes are and what they can do.

Addicted to foil

After two weeks of using beeswax cloths, I'm only partially convinced. Covering bowls works great. As soon as food comes into contact with it, I prefer the film. I find the idea repulsive. And yes, I know that beeswax is supposed to have an antibacterial effect. Nevertheless.

Nuts Beeswax cloths (3 x)
Food packaging
EUR14,70 was EUR16,01 EUR73,50/1m

Nuts Beeswax cloths

3 x

I understand the environmental idea, of course. I live as environmentally consciously as is convenient for me, hardly ever drive a car, don't fly within Europe and only fly long distances once every few years and usually keep my food in glass jars. Plastic wrap and aluminium foil are my go-to options. They are my small, practical, environmentally harmful sin. <p

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