Product test

When chocolate meets Lego, you get Chewie

Ramon Schneider
Translation: Julia Graham

«It’s not wise to upset a Wookie,» Han Solo said in Star Wars. And yet, I can’t imagine Chewbacca would be pleased about his Lego set. Neither am I.

Chewie is one of my absolute favourite Star Wars characters. That’s why I’m all the more critical when Lego ventures into the realms of legendary characters and releases a buildable figure. Which is exactly what happened with this set. The Lego Wookie consists of 2,320 parts and is 46 cm tall. Alongside Chewbacca and his cartridge belt and bowcaster, there’s also a mini figurine to complete the set.

LEGO Chewbacca (75371, LEGO Star Wars)

LEGO Chewbacca

75371, LEGO Star Wars

I get to work with vim and vigour, and John Williams’ Star Wars music in the background. I may as well go the whole hog. But instead of joy, anger and disappointment soon emerged.

After the first stage, I wanted to fling it away

As much as I like Lego and as keen as I am on Chewie, this feels awful to build. My desire to assemble a Lego set has never evaporated so quickly. It’s boring, monotonous and repetitive.

As soon as Chewbacca’s first leg was up, I didn’t want to keep building the set.
As soon as Chewbacca’s first leg was up, I didn’t want to keep building the set.
Source: Ramon Schneider

If it weren’t for the fact I was writing a review, I wouldn’t have continued. After the first leg, I realised what was coming next. You build an inner structure and then slap brown stones on top. That’s all this set has to offer when it comes to construction. Everything’s the same, from the arms, to the legs, head and torso. I’m disappointed.

«Chewie? Chewie, is that you?»

But it’s not just the assembly that’s primitive. Looks-wise, Chewie isn’t winning me over either. OK, I’ll admit the proportions are right and you can tell it’s a Wookie. But that’s it. The figurine looks like it fell into a chocolate fountain. A fur pelt isn’t what springs to mind.

The chocolate figurine in all its glory. Different to what I’d hoped for.
The chocolate figurine in all its glory. Different to what I’d hoped for.
Source: Ramon Schneider

At least the cartridge belt provides some contrast to the chocolate, and the bowcaster adds a bit of dynamism to the otherwise static figurine. I also like the mini figurine of Chewbacca that’s included. The crossbow on it even works, it shoots small, red 1×1 tiles. But would I spend that much money on it? I think not.

The mini Chewbacca figurine with the bowcaster is amazing.
The mini Chewbacca figurine with the bowcaster is amazing.
Source: Ramon Schneider

Verdict: unfortunately, not a good set

Chewbacca, my hero, you let me down – in Lego set form, at least. I was looking forward to this, but there’s zero fun in building it. As if that weren’t enough, the finished figurine is more reminiscent of melted chocolate with caramel sauce than brown fur. Lego, you’ve broken my Chewie heart.

The best part of this set is the packaging. Or rather, the sound the box makes when opened. It reminds me of a certain walking rug:

Header image: Ramon Schneider

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