Product test

"Tough stuff": Be the biggest arsehole at the table

Ramon Schneider
Translation: machine translated

Harter Tobak" involves verbal humiliation, insults and humiliation. A card game for hard-boiled people aged 16 and over.

"Harter Tobak" is a card game developed by two Germans on their own initiative. Simon and Jan. They claim to make card games cool again and to dust off the games industry. Firstly, I would like to quote the disclaimer on the back of the game box:

«We assume no responsibility for honour killings, divorces, cuts, burns, waterboarding and any other consequences that may result from playing Harter Tobak.»

So, that's settled. Let's get started. Unless you're under 16, ask mum or dad first.

Simon & Jan Hard Tobacco ROAST, Mobbing Edition (German)
Card games
EUR26,99 was EUR30,72

Simon & Jan Hard Tobacco ROAST, Mobbing Edition


Simple rules for simple people

Do you know "Cards Against Humanity" or "Kampf gegen das Bünzlitum"? Then you've already got the rules of the game. For everyone else:

1. preparation
Place the cards face down on the table, separated by colour. You can do this. All players always have eight cards in their hand at the start of each round: three black cards (cloze cards) and five orange cards (cloze cards).

2. bullying officer
There is a different bullying representative in each round. This person determines the bullying victim and provides one of their cloze texts, which forms the basis for the bullying in this round.

3. fill the gap
Now all players have the opportunity to combine the given gap text with one of their orange cards with the aim of roasting the bullying victim until they cry. The chosen gap fillers are placed face down.

4. bullying
In turn, starting with the bullying representative, each player now reads out their own card combination and addresses the bullying victim directly. This is honest bullying. Face to face.

5th honour
The mobbed tries to collect himself and decides which card combination was the most painful for him. The arsehole who played this combination wins the round and receives the cloze as a winning point.

Is there even a winner?

Theoretically, there is a winner: according to the game instructions, the first player to bag five winning points wins. However, you can choose any value you like. But if we're honest, games like this are less about winning or losing. A cosy evening among friends with a few beers and a bit of laughter is the most important thing. And everyone wins.

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