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Selfie study explains why we like taking pictures of ourselves so much

Maike Schuldt-Jensen
Translation: machine translated

"Selfie?" - a question that accompanies even the most impossible situations in friendship, family and relationships. What portrait love is all about has now been investigated by several universities. Surprise: "Selfies" are all about the moment.

To this end, a team of researchers from the Universities of Tübingen, Ontario and Ohio investigated the significance of photographic perspectives. In a study consisting of six experiments, the scientists discovered the following: the intention during the photo shoot determines the perspective of the image.

According to this, the goal of a shot influences the camera movement. For example, the third-person perspective, i.e. the selfie, is used when the main aim is to capture the deep meaning of the moment. The first-person perspective, on the other hand, which captures what is in front of you, emphasises the scenic, physical experience.

Example: Anyone who climbs Pico Blanco together on a Costa Rican couple's holiday and takes a selfie on the summit is celebrating their shared adventure. If you take a photo of the view instead, you are honouring the landscape.

Remember me!

In addition, the camera angle you choose influences your emotions when you look at the photos again later. According to the research team, people find it easier to build a bridge between themselves and the moment if the picture is a selfie. This means that you can better visualise the experience when you are looking at yourself.

A good reason to take a look around our shop for the right equipment. The Insta360 stick, for example, promises even longer and easier selfie orgies. It is equipped with a particularly large amount of battery power and becomes an extended power source for your camera. The accompanying remote control should also make your photo session easier.

And, cheeeese!

Cover image: Jessica Wilson/Unsplash

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