Have you lost your desire for sex and want to find it again? This guide knows the way
It's all a matter of practice, says Dania Schiftan. Orgasms. Sex. And the sensation of pleasure. The sex therapist has written a handbook for all women who believe they have lost their libido. Good news: you can get it back - with just three minutes of commitment a day.
In her first book "Coming Soon", sex therapist Dania Schiftan focussed on the female orgasm. She explained how more women can experience climax through targeted exercises. Volume two - "Keep it Coming" - focussed on couple sexuality. True to the motto that good sex is above all a matter of practice. Now her new and third book in the series has been published. "The Comeback of Your Lust" tackles a problem that many women are familiar with: the dwindling of their own lust. But don't worry, it's far from lost. According to Dania, you can revitalise it with a few - how could it be otherwise - exercises.

A promising approach should make it possible
Perhaps you're thinking now: Who has time for that? Fair objection. That's why the author uses a technique in her book that she calls "pleasure micro-training". LMT for short. This special training is based on the concept of so-called "micro habits". These are tiny little habits and behaviours that you integrate into your everyday life and that lead to big changes over a longer period of time. They are so effective because the hurdle to implementing them consistently on a daily basis is small. ("Atomic Habits" by James Clear is an excellent take on this topic).
Under LMT, the author summarises a catalogue of exercises that includes touch, the pelvic floor and movement. In this way, the reader should find her way back to arousal and pleasure with habitual mini-steps. You can find out which exercises are most suitable for you with the help of a tested exercise in the book.
This topic hits a nerve with you? You'll soon be able to read more about it here. It's all part of the series of articles on sexuality published in collaboration with Dania Schiftan in Galaxus magazine. You can find out more about her and her work as a sexologist and psychotherapist in the interview:
You can find all other articles from the series here:
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