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"Command & Conquer" lives on: EA releases the source code of 4 games

Kim Muntinga
Translation: machine translated

EA releases the source code for four classics in the series and also offers Steam Workshop support. But why are two of the most important games missing?

Out of nowhere, Electronic Arts (EA) surprises us with news about the classic RTS game "Command & Conquer". No, unfortunately there will not be a new game. However, EA has published the source code for four titles: "Tiberian Dawn" (1995), "Red Alert" (1996), Generals (2003) plus its expansion "Zero Hour" (also 2003) and the first-person shooter spin-off "Renegade" (2002).

This decision allows the modding community to analyse and change the games and thus create extensions and even new content. This could lead to a multitude of new mods and total conversions, further increasing the longevity and relevance of these classics. According to EA producer Jim Vessella, the goal is always to "deliver even more improvements for the entire Community", as he explains in a post on the C&C subreddit.

The battles in the old C&C games were legendary.
The battles in the old C&C games were legendary.
Source: Electronic Arts

Source code on Github

The complete source code for these classic games has been published by Electronic Arts on GitHub under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence (GPL licence). This is a widely used free software licence that aims to grant users certain freedom rights. The most important conditions of the GPL include:

  • Execution: Users may execute the software for any purpose, including commercial applications.
  • Study: Users may study the source code of the software to understand how it works.
  • Modification: Users may modify the source code and adapt the software to their needs.
  • Distribution: Users may distribute copies of the original software and its modified versions on condition that they pass on the same rights to the recipients (copyleft principle).

Steam workshop support

And that's not all. In addition to the source code release, EA has introduced Steam Workshop support for several Command & Conquer titles. This makes it easier for players to discover, share and install mods. The Steam Workshop provides a platform where players can easily add new maps, missions and other modifications. In detail it concerns the games:

  • "C&C Renegade"
  • "C&C Generals & Zero Hour"
  • "C&C 3 Tiberium Wars and Kane's Wrath"
  • "C&C Red Alert 3 & Uprising"
  • "C&C 4 Tiberian Twilight"

EA has also updated the mission editors and world builder tools for the series. These tools offer enhanced functions and an improved user interface for creating your own maps and missions.

But wait, there's something missing

Attentive fans of the game series will have already noticed. I haven't mentioned two games in this article so far. I haven't forgotten them. EA has simply mentioned them.

Two of the most popular parts of the series are not mentioned by EA in the announcement.
Two of the most popular parts of the series are not mentioned by EA in the announcement.
Source: Electronic Arts

These are "Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun" from 1999 and "Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2" from 2000: two strong "C&C" games. We can only speculate as to whether EA still has separate plans here. Perhaps their source codes are simply too bulky or they can't be found.

"Tempest Rising" as a legitimate "C&C" successor?

For fans looking for new games with references to the "Command & Conquer" series, "Tempest Rising" could be of interest. This upcoming real-time strategy game, developed by Slipgate Ironworks and 2B Games, features traditional RTS elements such as base building, resource gathering and army building. In an alternate history world, the Global Defence Forces (GDF) and the Tempest Dynasty fight for control of a new energy source called Tempest. We are currently planning a test for the game.

Header image: Electronic Arts

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