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Chatbot with a difference: dork GPT as a cheeky conversation partner

Michelle Brändle
Translation: machine translated

Chatbots such as chat GPTs are now popping up all over the web. The dork GPT is therefore a refreshing change. As a fun gimmick, the chatbot is not to be taken particularly seriously.

While other companies are trying to perfect chatbots as much as possible and achieve good results, there are also other approaches. The Postillon, a satirical online magazine, publishes a slightly different AI. Depp-GPT is anything but friendly and intelligent, even though it actively claims to be. But trial and error is the name of the game.

The Postillon argues that the chatbot is much closer to a real person. With cheeky retorts, arrogant statements - and its own disappearance when it gets too stupid.

You can find the bot on the Postillon's website. You can try out Depp-GPT easily and directly. I certainly had a lot of fun myself, and quite a short time with the cheeky git. You can also download and share the chat history straight away. It looks like this

The history with the douchebag GPT can be downloaded as an image.
The history with the douchebag GPT can be downloaded as an image.
Source: Der Postillon
Screenshot: Michelle Brändle

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