Product test

Cat-friendly: this new automatic litter tray is way better

Lorenz Keller
Translation: Julia Graham

I compared two generations of Whisker litter trays and found significant improvements in the new version. Pinot and I are enthralled, but it’s not managed to work its charm on his brother Nero.

Nero is a very curious cat. So, it goes without saying that he examined the monstrous black plastic cave closely when I unpacked it in the living room a few months ago. As always, his brother Pinot watches first from a safe distance. Is it something you can eat? No? Oh well, better let Nero inspect it first.

The monster in question is the Litter Robot 3 from US manufacturer Whisker. 75 cm tall, 61 cm wide, 68 cm deep and weighing 11 kg – without any cat litter. You can find the model in our store by clicking on the link below. Bear in mind that the two colour options are actually two different models. Grey is the name for the cheaper, older model, i.e. the Litter Robot 3, while the Litter Robot 4, the new version, is called Black.

The Litter Robot 3 was first launched in 2017 but is by no means the manufacturer’s first model. Whisker has been building self-cleaning litter trays since 2000 and has already sold over one million units. The company’s website features almost 15,000 reviews for the Litter Robot 3 alone.

How the automatic litter tray works

But for now, my cats don’t seem interested in finding out. I fill it up with litter, connect the tray to the Wi-Fi and smartphone app. And then I wait. As it happens, curious little Nero clambers carefully into the Litter Robot. But only briefly. The sensor registers this, of course, triggering it to be cleaned a few minutes later.

Both cats are curious to start off with. Pinot is at the back and Nero the front.
Both cats are curious to start off with. Pinot is at the back and Nero the front.
Source: Lorenz Keller

Both the Litter Robot 3 and its successor, Litter Robot 4, consist of two spheres stacked on top of each other. The inner sphere rotates, the cat litter slides through a sieve into a collection bag and their «business» falls through a hole into the drawer in the base beneath the sphere. Then the sphere returns to its starting position and the remaining clean cat litter trickles back. The toilet is ready to use again.

Of course, Nero is unaware of all this. He’s startled and bolts, despite the fact the device isn’t that loud when it turns. Pinot, on the other hand, who was initially very reticent, reacted quite pragmatically. It’s got litter for scraping, so why not use it?

On the day I set it up, he used the litter tray for the first time when I wasn’t watching (I get a notification on my phone). And after just a few days, he’s chosen the robotic device as his quiet place. Nero, on the other hand, gives the monster a wide berth.

If I want, I can get the app to notify me about the cleaning cycle and error messages.
If I want, I can get the app to notify me about the cleaning cycle and error messages.
Source: Lorenz Keller

The new model does many things much better

In October, l get the new model to put to the test, and it’s just as easy to install. However, the Litter 4 (the black version in our store) will set you back about 150 francs more. But it does also do a lot of things much better than its predecessor.

Looks nicer and is higher quality: the plastic is classier, the finish better, the aesthetic less bulky and more inviting. However, appearances are deceiving, as the new toilet is exactly the same size and weight. The advantage of the new design is that the collection container for the soiled litter is higher and boasts a more practical shape, including for hanging a rubbish bag.

More cat-friendly: at 40 × 40 cm rather than 26 × 38.7 cm, the opening is now much bigger. What’s more, the Robot 4 has swapped the black interior for a light grey. This is more pleasant for cats, who don’t normally like to do their business in dark caves with no escape routes.

On the left, the new Litter Robot 4 with a larger opening and brighter interior.
On the left, the new Litter Robot 4 with a larger opening and brighter interior.
Source: Lorenz Keller

Quieter and more modern: what also stands out is the fact you can hardly hear the motor any more. Even the previous model wasn’t that loud, but now the cleaning process is quiet as a mouse. The new Litter Robot 4 also makes better use of the app. As well as sending you notifications when the robot is cleaning or there’s a problem, the device also weighs your cat every time so you can keep track. That’s how I know the lighter little Nero never used the toilet – only Pinot. Another practical feature is always being able to see how full the collection container is. Incidentally, you also have the option to use the litter tray without the app.

Less error-prone: the Litter Robot 3 occasionally gives error messages. For instance, it likely does so when the cat looks back in to see exactly what’s going on in their toilet. As a safety measure, both models halt the cleaning cycle, a wise move. With the Robot 3, however, it doesn’t always complete the process. I then have to press the reset button on the device and start the cleaning cycle manually. This has never happened with the Robot 4, which worked an entire two months without any glitches.

Unfortunately not compatible with every litter

There’s one flaw that Whisker hasn’t addressed in its new model, namely that it only works with fine litter. Our cats are used to a compostable product made from plant fibres. However, these coarse kernels aren’t suitable for the litter tray, as the sieve can’t separate them well enough from the clumped litter.

The company recommends litter made from bentonite, which isn’t particularly environmentally friendly. Alternatives that also work are clay, lime, silica sand and silicate-based cat litter. But some cats are very fussy and don’t appreciate change. This could be another reason why Nero doesn’t fancy the automatic toilet.

Verdict: a luxury that really makes a difference

If your cat uses their automatic litter tray, it equates to significantly less work for you. As the Litter Robot is 100% reliable, I simply refill the litter from time to time and empty the bin. On a day-to-day basis, I don’t have to do any more than that. If you ever want to change all the litter, you can empty everything into the collection container at the touch of a button. Nice.

Even after two months, the inside is hardly dirty. In any case, giving it a thorough clean two to three times a year is by far enough. Provided you use suitable cat litter that clumps well and is fine enough.

All automatic litter trays are expensive, but the Whisker models are even at the higher end of the scale in our store. After putting it to the test, I’d highly recommend the Litter Robot 4, as it’s definitely worth the extra cost compared with its predecessor.

Undoubtedly, you’re also paying for the fact the product isn’t made in China. And a manufacturer who offers ongoing model maintenance and support. When I enquired about suitable cat litter via my own personal e-mail address, I got an answer straight from the US within 48 hours.

In case you’re wondering, I still can’t persuade Nero the cat to use the automatic toilet. I’ve changed the litter in the usual litter tray to bentonite, put it in the Litter Robot, taken away the usual litter box for a day – and still nothing works. But hey, that’s just the way cats are. So I leave the tray to Nero, while Pinot has his automatic device – that way at least half the work is done for me.

The Galaxus team has also tested other automatic litter trays. You can find the reviews here:

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Header image: Lorenz Keller

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