Blocmen Pre Shave Powder put to the test: white stick works wonders
I don’t like dry shaving. Just as well then that the Community quickly stepped in with a tip: I should try a powder. I was sceptical – until I try the Blocmen Pre Shave Powder Stick myself.
I like to shave wet, with foam and a razor. While testing the Panasonic 900 S electric shaver, I struggled using it on dry skin – like a classic electric shaver, that is.
A powder to solve my problem
The only way to avoid unpleasant dry skin was to use the device on wet skin – ideally after showering. In the comments on my review, an anonymous user promptly suggested a solution to my boggle.

A pre-shave powder stick? Never heard of it. Turns out we do actually carry the suggested Blocmen brand – two versions at that.
I quickly order one of the sticks. To be on the safe side, I opt for the orange Derma version, which is supposedly the gentlest for skin.
A milky miracle on my cheek
The stick looks like a piece of soft chalk. Inside, the powder is firmly pressed together, but comes off easily as soon as I brush it over my stubbly cheek. I promptly «paint» all the areas I want to shave with the fine, white powder.

Source: Lorenz Keller
And then off we go: I use the Panasonic from my last review, just without any moisture or wetness, running it along my cheek. Woah! The device glides over my skin much more gently. I hardly feel anything – and there’s way less noise when using the powder.
I also try it on the delicate areas around my chin, where some skin came off easily during my first test without the stick. Nothing happens. I can shave the rest of my face without any problems, the Panasonic shaver glides comfortably over the skin.

Source: Lorenz Keller
I wash my face of any remaining powder. An impressive result: the shave is at least as thorough as on damp skin, which is significantly less irritated at that. Finally, I apply my favourite after-shave balm from Proraso and I’m ready for the day – as our ad so beautifully puts it (click the gear icon for English subtitles).
The dark side of the light (powder)
Note, Powder Stick manufacturer Blocmen discreetly conceals some negatives. They also exist, of course. The white powder will inevitably spread across your face, as well as your clothes and the entire sink. As our house uses darker designs, I can see very easily how much material is lost during application as well as shaving.

Source: Lorenz Keller
Even when closing the lid, powder residue that’s already detached from the stick can fall off. It really is like chalk – everything’s a bit dusty after use. Of course, this also applies to the razor, where powder even mixes with loose hairs.
Luckily, loose powder can be cleaned easily. I can also dry-wipe the powder off clothing without it leaving any residue. Although this is a little tedious, it’s generally easy to do.

Source: Lorenz Keller
In a nutshell
Dry shaving for all
I was sceptical at the start my test – I ended it thrilled. Blocmen’s Pre Shave Powder Stick makes dry shaving much more comfortable. The razor glides over my face much smoother, and my skin is less irritated. Since I can apply the powder directly, this procedure only takes an extra 20 seconds per shave.
However, I have to spend a little more time and energy on cleaning: the fine powder doesn’t just have to be washed off my face and removed from the razor. I usually also find a fine layer in the sink and on my clothes. This results in a one-star deduction for the final score.
- Smooth shave
- Less skin irritation
- Quickly applied
- Quite a lot of clean-up
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