App tip: How to increase your intelligence with the "N-Back Challenge"
Did you know that you can sustainably improve your intelligence with an app? This has been scientifically proven for the "N-Back Challenge", thanks to researchers at the University of Bern. I've been using the app for a few months now.
What does Dual N-back actually train? Put simply, it is about improving fluid intelligence by training the working memory. The working memory in the human brain, so to speak. The second component of intelligence is crystallised intelligence, i.e. the data memory, to use IT terminology.
Training your fluid intelligence makes you better in practically all cognitive disciplines, as you can retain more content. Be it notes when playing music, longer content in a specialised text or when programming or by learning larger blocks of information.
How do you train with "N-Back"?
The app presents you with a sequence of stimuli, specifically a position is displayed in a 3x3 grid and a letter is spoken at the same time. For example, the field at the bottom left lights up and a computer voice says "T" at the same time. As soon as the next combination is either the same field in the grid lights up again or the voice says "T" again, you have to confirm this by tapping the "Sound" or "Position" field. And this is the easiest level. With n=2, the task is to memorise the field and the spoken letter two steps in advance. Hence the "N" in "N-Back", which stands for n steps back. "Dual" stands for two stimuli that take place in parallel. Parallelisation means that maximum concentration is required during the test, which trains your brain.
The methodology was tested by Susanne M. Jaeggi and several colleagues in a study at the University of Bern and the benefits were confirmed.
The finding that cognitive training can improve Gf (= fluid intelligence, editor's note) is a groundbreaking result, as this form of intelligence was considered to be largely unchangeable. Rather than viewing Gf as an immutable trait, our data provides evidence that with appropriate training there is the potential to improve Gf.
And if it doesn't help, then I've probably already spent 20 minutes a day doing something stupid.
How the "N-Back" app works
You can find various apps by searching for "N Back" in the app stores. "N-Back Challenge" is, in contrast to many other N-Back apps, visually very appealing. The training feels natural and is motivating. My current status and my successes are communicated in a meaningful way. During the game, I am also made aware of other useful measures that are beneficial to my mental health, such as regular exercise and a healthy diet.
There are not many setting options in "N-Back Challenge", but I found it helpful to switch the language to German. I also downloaded more languages on the iPhone so that the letters are clear and easy to understand. And I switched on the daily reminder in the Exercise Master variant.
You can add friends for even more dynamics. Then you can see who has come how far. Detailed statistics are also displayed on how you rank against your friends and the general public. Comparing yourself with your friends can of course increase your motivation, but it is more important not to be demotivated by the high scores of others. You know yourself best and can therefore decide whether the comparison motivates you or not. Unfortunately, inviting friends does not work across platforms, but can be done via the Apple Game Centre or Google Play.
If you stick with it every day, you can use the app for free
The app is free to use - as long as you are disciplined enough. If you accept a 20-day challenge and do the exercises every day, you pay nothing. However, part of the deal is that you pay one franc for every day you don't exercise - this is to enable the app developers to continue working on the app on a caffeine-fuelled basis. With weekly training, you have to do twelve sessions per week in order not to have to put anything in the till. If you like the app and miss a day too often, you can also unlock it forever by buying a pizza for the developer crew (8 francs).
The concept is quite funny. The app is ad-free and doesn't try to sell anything else. Personally, I prefer apps where the costs are transparent and I pay directly. The developer has found an interesting twist with the mechanic of paying for a lack of discipline. Incidentally, I wasn't disciplined enough and soon bought a pizza.
If you open this link on your mobile phone, you will be taken directly to the right app for your Android or Apple smartphone. You also get the equivalent of a coffee as a bonus. You can also download the app directly here: for iOS here, and for Android here.
I wish you lots of fun training your grey cells.
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