Anika Schulz
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Answering your questions about my cockatiels Rio and Cookie

Anika Schulz
Translation: Julia Graham

Find out if Rio and Cookie like each other and me, why silence is always deceptive, and how I handle all the bird poop.

Cockatiels Rio and Cookie have been living with me for almost three months now. That’s 91 days of looking after my little rascals and immersing myself in the parakeet bubble. I researched to find the tastiest foxtail millet, the best lifesaving tools for bird parents, and the greatest nibble toy. And obviously, I bombarded everyone around me with (what I considered to be essential) cockatiel photos and videos.

In response, I got lots of questions about my feathery friends. And the Galaxus Community also wanted to know a few things. I even got question-laden e-mails about them in my inbox. So that seemed reason enough to put together a mini FAQ for Rio and Cookie’s fans.

Are Cookie and Rio a couple?

They’re not a couple that can lay eggs, as Rio and Cookie are most likely both males. When I bought them in October, it was too early to tell their sex from their plumage or behaviour. Rio was about six months old, with Cookie perhaps being a bit older. Even in the pet shop, they couldn’t be any more specific.

By now, these cockatiels have practically reached their teenage years. Rio’s face, which was once grey, has now turned white – a typical sign that he’s a cock. Hens’ faces stay grey, even into adulthood.

You can see a lot of white feathers coming through on Rio’s face. In a few months, he’ll probably have a completely white mask.
You can see a lot of white feathers coming through on Rio’s face. In a few months, he’ll probably have a completely white mask.
Source: Anika Schulz

What’s more, Rio and Cookie have been extensively practising their courtship performances for a few weeks now to try and impress the ladies. They sing, spread their wings and do little hops. This is also a clear sign I’ll be spending the next few years with male housemates. Female cockatiels are usually more quiet and don’t flirt as aggressively.

But that doesn’t mean Rio and Cookie can’t ever fall in love. Same-sex couples are also standard in the animal world. But at the moment, the two are «just» friends.

If you want to see what a courting cockatiel looks like, check out this YouTube video from one of my parakeet friends. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to film Rio and Cookie yet because they ALWAYS stop performing when I get near them with my phone. Incidentally, cocks have their own unique call and dance. That’s boys for you.

Do they like you?

I think so. How do I know? I pay attention to their body language and behaviour. For instance, Rio often greets me in the morning with a small, sleepy chirp. And – no joke – he and Cookie wait until I’m out the shower and sitting with them with my coffee before they tuck into their breakfast. This shows that I’m part of the flock, as the «big parakeet» so to speak. These type of birds are also guided by the rule of eating together with their group.

Further proof of their love is that they’re starting to trust me. Although Rio was terribly shy at first, he now lets me gently scratch his head. And Cookie lets me do all sorts. He even allowed me to «bling him up», as you can see in the photo below. And before anyone comes at me: it was of his own free will and he wasn’t hurt.

Cookie is obviously proud of his new accessory.
Cookie is obviously proud of his new accessory.
Source: Anika Schulz

How much time do you spend with them?

It depends if it’s a work day. When I’m working from home, I spend my breaks with the cockatiels as well as going over to check on them from time to time, especially if they’re (too) sedate. Peace and quiet is great for getting things done, but it’s also ominous. The last time they were left to their own devices, Rio and Cookie did quite a job of filleting one of their toys all over the living room floor.

When I have time off and nothing important on, I spend quality time with my feathery family. Like I did during the Christmas holidays. I just lazed about on the sofa and watched «parakeet TV». By that I mean I gazed at them going about their daily business for hours on end. Some people chill out to the sound of the sea; for me, beak crunching is relaxing. And the cockatiels seem happy to have my company.

Don’t they poop everywhere?!

Yes. Cockatiels have fast metabolism and will leave you a small poop every 20 minutes or so. On the plus side, it doesn’t smell. But the bad thing is, it’s still s**t (in both senses of the word). So every morning, I lay kitchen roll out under Cookie and Rio’s favourite places and gather it up every evening.

I also put kitchen roll under their swing since that’s where they really like to hang out in the morning.
I also put kitchen roll under their swing since that’s where they really like to hang out in the morning.
Source: Anika Schulz
Lots of parakeet droppings
Lots of parakeet droppings
Source: Anika Schulz

Do you let them out of the cage when you go out?

A reader who wants to get cockatiels soon e-mailed me this question. The answer is: it’s complicated.

If I’m just out briefly running small errands, I don’t lock Rio and Cookie in their cage. They now know their way around «their» living room so well that I’m not worried about any bad accidents. They’re aware of landing spots, can find the cage again and have learned that flying straight at the window pane gives them a headache. And if something were to happen while I was out, I’d be back soon anyway. When I’m out all day, for instance at the office, they stay in the cage in the morning. They don’t like it and look affronted, but better safe than sorry. I intentionally bought them an extra large one to give them a haven to retreat into.

And if I go out in the evening, I usually put them to bed first. Cockatiels have night-blindness, so I want to avoid them flapping around in the dark and injuring themselves. Let’s see what happens in summer when it’s light for a long time in the evening. I doubt they’ll want to go to bed early as cockatiels align their sleep pattern with the sun.

And what happens if you’re away on holiday?

I put them in the air fryer and make chicken wings. Of course I don’t. I’m in the fortunate position to have an animal-loving neighbour who’s smitten with Rio and Cookie. She feeds them and keeps them entertained in my absence. If she’s not able to look after them, I use a professional pet sitter who only charges a few euros.

How did you manage to get them to eat fruit and vegetables?

A lot of other bird parents have asked me this. Even my mum is amazed every time I send her photos of Rio and Cookie munching on salad. Because apparently it’s anything but normal for my cockatiels to be so crazy about greens. To be honest, I don’t have any tips on how to get your parakeet to eat more healthy food. If anything, I need to be careful they don’t overdose on greens.

Can Rio and Cookie talk?

No. And I don’t intend to actively teach them either. If they do spontaneously imitate sounds at some point, I’ll give them a Grammy – made out of foxtail millet.

Do they have sand baths like other birds?

Cockatiels like to bathe, but in water rather than sand. And often in their water bowl if they don’t have anywhere else. Rio has made one attempt at this so far, but Cookie’s not felt like getting his trunks on yet. Maybe this will change in summer when I give them a large, shallow bowl of water on top of their cage that they can cool off in to their heart’s content.

Do you have any other questions about living with cockatiels? Let me know in the comments and I’ll answer there.

Header image: Anika Schulz

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