Analogue photography with a Linhof view camera
No digital post-processing, no deleting, no automation. With analogue large-format photography, everything has to be right at the moment the shutter is released. That's exactly what Dani Kobi loves about his hobby.
In his free time, he does a lot of travelling. Today in Heiligenschwendi above Lake Thun. As always, he has a tripod, an analogue camera and suitable films with him. Graphic designer Dani Kobi loves the analogue process. When he discovers an exciting subject, he thinks about the perspective from which he wants to photograph it. Then he sets up the tripod and mounts the camera. He uses the hand-held light meter to determine the ambient light and then sets the shutter speed and aperture on the camera and focuses accordingly. He first takes a close look at his subject and then decides on location which film is best suited for his shot. To bring out as much detail as possible and emphasise the warm, summery atmosphere, he chooses a Kodak Porta 400 sheet film for the photo of the Niesen. He loads the film into the film holder in the change bag so that no light falls on it. He then places the film holder in the camera, pulls out the slider and releases the shutter with the cable release. The photo is in the box. He then has the films developed or develops and enlarges them himself at home in the darkroom. [[productlist:10381731]]
Dani Kobi
He used to take photos with his iPhone. Back then, he relied on apps that gave the digital photos an analogue touch. But the result wasn't good enough for him. Around five years ago, he discovered a Rolleiflex camera in a shop window and at the same time discovered his passion for analogue photography. Over time, he expanded his knowledge and built up a community with his Instagram channel "kobiflex". You can also find more of his work on his website. [[image:39883630]]
In addition to the Rolleiflex camera, Dani also bought one or two analogue cameras between 35mm and 8x10 inch. These include a Linhof Kardan Colour from 1964, which is considered one of the most stable 4x5'' cameras on an optical bench.

He just about manages to stow his historic bijou in a photo backpack. In the video, he explains what he thinks about before setting up the camera, adjusting the settings and taking the shot.

Favourite picture
Dani mostly photographs landscapes, street scenes or deserted corners. His current favourite photo with the Linhof was taken in the forest in Zurich-Altstetten. It shows the transition from autumn to winter. There are still a few colourful leaves on the trees, and there is already snow on the ground in some shady spots. Dani worked with a long exposure time, which is why the picture shows "Schlirggen" from the sleet and blurring on the rustling leaves. Which gives the photo a picturesque effect. [[video:144241]] [[fullsizeimage:39883583]]
As calm and deliberate as the process is, as calming are the finished photos: they are natural, neither hectic nor overworked. They don't chase trends, but instead show an authentic snapshot of life in a straightforward way.
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As a photographer, human being and dad, I tell stories as close to life as possible. With all its corners, emotions and uniqueness.