
10 things I hate about summer

Anika Schulz
Translation: Eva Francis

This article was literally written in the sweat of my brow. The current heat and humidity are melting my brain.

If you’re the type of person who likes to sizzle in the sun at above-30-degree temperatures, do us both a favour and read no further. You surely wouldn’t agree with me, would get annoyed and might even write unflattering comments under this article. That, in turn would annoy me. But if you’re suffering from the heat as much as I am, give me an imaginary high-five! (Not a real one, please. It’s too hot for physical contact.)

I sweat

My optimum operating temperature is 20 degrees, ideally with a gentle breeze. Anything above 20 degrees is what I consider high summer. I walk to the train station – I sweat. I vacuum – I sweat. I come out of the shower – I sweat. Don’t ask me why. Maybe it’s because, as a native of the north, I’m just not made for heat. Maybe my ancestors lived above the Arctic Circle. Who knows.

Other people sweat

It’s not just my own perspiration that bothers me. It’s other people’s too. Especially in cramped localities such as on busy trains or in the queue at the supermarket checkout. Sweating Homo sapiens don’t only smell, they also give off heat in an attempt to cool down their own body temperature. Which, in return, heats up the environment they’re in. And guess what? Then I sweat even more. Thanks for nothing.

I sleep badly

I share this problem with many of my fellow human beings, especially the poor souls who live in attic apartments. But in this case, a problem shared isn’t a problem halved. My sleep is sacred to me. Any person who’s ever dared to wake me up is guaranteed to learn a lesson for life and never do it again.

I don’t enjoy coffee anymore

This point is a direct consequence from the previous one. When I’ve slept badly, I need more coffee in the morning. Sure, I could also heed the tips from my colleague Maike to wake me up in the morning, but I need that black gold. Now comes the catch. In summer, I don’t really enjoy coffee. It tastes bitter and unbalanced, although I drink the same variety as in winter. According to obscure coffee blogs, this is because the aromatic substances in the brew come into their own differently at high temperatures. By the way, I asked our in-house coffee expert Simon for advice on this, but he couldn’t help me. His brain might be melting, too.

Other people love this weather

I’ve learned over the years that people’s definition of «nice weather» is very individual. It causes discussions in my circle of friends every year. Many of my friends love that glowing hot ball in the sky (eyeroll) and automatically think that I do, too. «Join us in the park!» or, «It’s going to be 30 degrees today, let’s go to the outdoor swimming pool» – all well-intentioned suggestions, but I decline with thanks and explain that I’d rather stay inside. Again and again, every year.

I burn

I’m what’s called «skin type 2» – light skin, light eyes, light hair. The result? I get a sunburn super fast. I need sun protection factor 30 at the least. Which brings us to the next reason why I hate summer.

I need sunscreen, which makes me sweat even more

I’ve yet to find a single sunscreen that doesn’t make me sweat more than I already do. Whether I use an inexpensive product or an expensive one, it feels like a heavy, sticky layer. Very unpleasant. Another argument for simply drawing the curtains and leaving summer where it belongs – far away from me!

Galaxus editor Katja swears by this sunscreen, by the way. Maybe I’ll give it a try. As a last resort, so to speak.

And that’s it. You counted only seven reasons instead of ten? Well, it’s just too hot to be creative. Perspiration beats inspiration. I’m off – you’ll find me in the fridge.

Now it's your turn:

How do you feel about summer?

  • Hot stuff! I love summer!
  • I live in an attic apartment, but I'm hanging in there.
  • I've already booked tickets to the North Pole.

The competition has ended.

How do you combat the heat? Share your tips in the comments!

Header image: Pawel Czerwinski/Unsplash

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