
Pia's favourites: 5 advantages of wall-mounted litter bins

Pia Seidel
Translation: machine translated

Baskets are the key to a tidy home. And if you hang them on the wall, they open even more doors.

Sometimes all it takes is a change of perspective to make the world look different. They are the best proof of this. As soon as they're not just lying around on the floor, they have five advantages and can make the room not just smarter, but more beautiful.

1. With them, you save space

Baskets with a hole or loop for hanging can be hung from a coat rack or wall hook and positioned next to or above each other, without you losing a single centimetre of floor space. In the best case, you even gain ground. That's why they're perfect for small spaces.

Hanging braids offer more storage space.
Hanging braids offer more storage space.
Source: Bloomingville

2. All set

Whether it's letters in the hallway or skincare products in the bathroom, you're more comfortable either way with hanging basket designs. You can place whatever you want where you need it, or put it where you can see it with your own eyes. You don't need to bend over.

3. An alternative to a safe

The difference in height is noticeable and above all used in the children's bedroom too. There are always things that shouldn't be left unattended in your children's hands. That's why wall-mounted baskets are perfect for you. You can place some of them out of your children's reach. Others, hung a little lower, serve as a handy receptacle for toys.

Source: Ferm Living
.. or as a duo, hanging baskets can act as a safety compartment.
.. or as a duo, hanging baskets can act as a safety compartment.
Source: Ferm Living

4. Underrated planters

Wickwork is also suitable as a planter, particularly for hanging plants. It's true that there aren't many pretty baskets made especially for plants yet. But it's easy to build your own planter from (almost) any design. The only condition: the basket must be able to be fixed to the wall and be supported on the inside by a watertight container to keep everything dry.

Woven baskets can be transformed into pretty planters.
Woven baskets can be transformed into pretty planters.
Source: Hübsch

5. A sort of tableau

Simple baskets like this one from Ferm Living are evolutionary. They are suitable for children, teenagers or adults, because their look is timeless. The structure is decorative and gives every white wall an extra touch. You can stick to your choice of a basket in neutral, natural wood colours, or try something different. Use spray or acrylic paint to personalise your design. In this way, it can replace one or other picture hanging on the wall.

With all these benefits, I need to bring braiding home for the wall. I've already found my favourite baskets in different shapes and sizes. One of them is even made of metal rather than rattan, allowing its contents to catch the eye.

In the "Pia's Preferences" series, I regularly share products from my wishlist, in case they might interest you too.

Headline photo: Kave Home

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